Maui Fire Relief

24-4-23 Round Robin for Maui Relief - over $32,000 raised!

Saturday's 24-4-23 tournament was an enormous success beyond our wildest dreams.  Tournament participants teamed up to raise $32,656 (as of Sunday night) for Maui relief.  We will soon have as complete of a list as possible of all of our generous sponsor donors.  The final list of all 27 players who played in the tournament is below, along with a list of those who volunteered either as a substitute player or for tournament support (or both).  As far as the tournament results?  Click below to view or download the results PDF file to see the breakdown - including 22 players who played all 23 games of the tournament!

RPH 24-4-23 for Maui 20230909.pdf

Donations for Maui

The devastating events on Maui in August have saddened all of us.  So many Maui residents are without basic needs such as food and shelter.  If you would like to donate to a Maui charity, please see the links below.  All of the organizations listed are 501(c)(3) organizations, so donations are tax deductible.  

24 for 23 Participants


Amy McDougal

Anne Halaby

Bob Darling

Caitlyn Rask

Cari Gonzalez

David Duke

Debbie George

Evie Lahti

Gabe Vazquez

Isaiah Kamahoahoa

Jake Hill

Jorge Perez

Kari Hock

Ken Marti

Kirk Beitz

Kirsten Kempe

Kristina Kekuewa

Larry Rushing

Lea Carey

Michael Bleau

Michael Carey

Mitchell Tartt

Nick Poccia

Samantha Hooper

Zack Peoples


Evie Lahti

Leslie Reilly

Macarena Acuña

Andrew Carrell

David Krystal

Jennifer Rushing

Jon Gonzalez

Katie Magee

Michael Hughes

Ying Cao


Cheryl Valle

Jordan Peoples

Kim Girouard

Kelvin Rask